Sunday, November 3, 2013

In the case of Ray Kurzweil, singularity is a term that describes how technology will control s in the future. Technological singularity means a point where progress is so rapid the human brain can no longer grasp it. People will rely on computers, robots, and many other technologies of the future to function for them. They will augment their minds with these technologies and we will be transformed with artificial intelligence.

In Kurzweil's book, he explains that once singularity has been reached; intelligence has become completely artificial, machine intelligence will be quintillions times more intelligent than the minds of the human race. Kurzweil then explains that this intelligence will expand into the universe. 

For Kurzweil's assumption and prediction, he receives a lot of criticism on his ideas of singularity and the future of artificial intelligence. For only emphasizing the benefits, he is scolded and accused of his story being a religious analogy.
Week 5 videos:
IBM's Supercomputer destroys humans: This video showed a jeopardy game between two people and a super computer. The computer instantly knew all of the answers and was able to ask questions. The computer won the game by a landslide.
Robots: This video talks about "technological unemployment": the result of robots being able to take over jobs saving companies money. This lack of jobs is due to new robots that are smarter than ever and able to complete job tasks.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

In the article Flat World by Thomas Friedman, Friedman argues that we live in a "flat world" due to globalization. We are now all the same, with access to any resource we want and the technology to make anything happen. Technology is becoming more common, becoming cheaper and globally dispersed. In the end of the article, Friedman strongly advises that we turn off the technology if we want to advance our "standard of living". We must try harder to maintain what we already have.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The anonymous slanderous post that created an uproar by its topic was a brutal article that victimized Liskula Cohen after a night in the town. I do not think it is right to post about other peoples lives anonymously. If you are going to ruin someone's reputation, you should at least have the decency to take credit for the damage you will be causing. I believe that if one is to post a slanderous article, the authors name should be right there along with the name of the person they are terrorizing. It is not right to do something so horrible, and not have to take any responsibility for it. This is cyber-bullying, and with today's movement to stop these situations, anonymous reputation ruining posts should reveal the writer who is doing the bullying. In this case, freedom of speech is acceptable only if you admit  they are your words.
I had no idea how severe the unrest due to social media was in Middle Eastern countries. With no constitution recognizing freedom of speech, innocent people voicing their opinions are being sent to jail over a silly blog post. Ill treatment and torture are a few of the consequences of speaking your mind here, and once you're caught, your location becomes unknown. Facebook has played a huge role for activists seeking to get the word out to others like them, advertising and planning protests, but Facebook has taken the initiative after previous events to remove pages that plan these outbursts. I think it is noble of Facebook to remove these pages for the sake of government. Though I do believe in freedom of speech,  I believe Facebook is not the right place to plan a protest. Imprisoned Razaan though does not deserve the punishment she has received as her blog is a private page, versus a worldwide social networking site. Her thoughts were not hurting anyone and she has the right to say what she wants in her very own blog.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Class Opinion:

I am really glad to be taking this class because I am not very good with computers and am happy to learn more so I am better prepared for college next year. My dad always fixes all of my computer problems so next year I need to be able to figure it out on my own. Personally, I think the class is pretty hard because there is so much to know. There are so many parts to a computer and I get overwhelmed trying to learn everything at once. I hope everything clears up for me as we get further into the term. This is probably because I am pretty much illiterate when it comes to technology. 
Video 1: Capacities- This video lists the different capacities computers may have from smallest to largest. The largest sold in stores is a terabyte, and the largest not sold in stores is the exabyte.
Video 2: Bits and Bytes- A computers binary is made up of bits and bytes, which are 8 switches of 0's and 1's and the video discusses the math behind the switches
Video 3: MSconfig- This video talks about how to speed up your PC using MSconfig. It takes you through the entire process step by step while explaining it and showing it on his screen.
Video 4: Disk clean-up: The video describes the step by step process to cleaning up your computer starting with  freeing up disk space by using the start menu and opening up the disk cleanup menu.
Video 5: Database Management Systems- Defines SQL: Structure query language, as well as talks about retrieving, inserting, modifying, and removing data from the database.